Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sunset Swimming Pools, The Splash, and A Bigger Splash

Walking through my local Dollar Bookstore I found a Sunset book with a cover that looked very familiar.

I didn't recognize the house, or the pool, but I did recognize the splash. It looked like that David Hockney
painting - the one with the pool that someone had just dived into.

This is A Bigger Splash from 1967, painted when Hockney was teaching painting at UC Berkeley.

That name, A Bigger Splash is like a movie sequel, and it was.

So, with a little googling I found The Splash from 1966. This painting, with the same splash, but now with the exact same building as in the photograph on the Sunset book cover. Where has the home in A Bigger Splash has come from? I don't know. I haven't found that yet. Is it possible that David Hockney used the Sunset book as reference for the splash, as apposed to finding the image somewhere else? It was published originally in 1959 (with 1962, 1966, and 1967 following) - so the dates and Hockney being in California at the time sync up perfectly. He could have seen the book in a shop and noticing the dynamic photograph on the cover, but we may never know. Hockey has said that he found the image "In a book" but this was  many years after the fact - so inside vs. cover specificity could be forgiven.

If you are wondering, the architect of the Tea House was Morgan Stedman and the pool designer was landscape architect Katheryn Stedman.

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