Monday, June 16, 2014

Kill Me - The First Time

When there is a great movie, there is a desire to make it even better. Throwing out claims that it was the first time "That" had been done in a film, or saying that all other movies have copied it ever since. Alien (1979) is no exception. It is one of my all time favorite horror films (it is a horror film, not science fiction, and Aliens  is an actions film), so I am usually willing to believe the praise that is heaped upon it. With the recent passing of the great H.R. Giger there were a good deal of Facebook post recounting trivia about the film Alien and one stuck out at me. It was the claim that a deleted scene involving Dallas, cocooned by the Alien, being  found by Ripley and him begging her to kill  him was the first time the now cliched line of "Kill Me" was used in a film.

It bothered me. I came out in 1979, so it may have been possible that it was the first, but it was also cut from the film. So how was it so emulated? Well I think I found the real first time "Kill Me" was used in a film and it mirrors Alien perfectly...

The film is Hercules and The Captive Women from 1961. I included the MST3K version (so it is slightly less excruciating to watch) and you can fast forward to 25 mins to hear the line...

It totally matches up! And I feel Dan O'Bannon probably saw Hercules and The Captive Women.

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