Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ben & Arthur

I'm not going to try to tell you what Ben & Arthur is about, other then it is the worst gay movie ever made, but I will say it is 2002 film from director Sam Mraovich.
So, for a description, I will allow Rantasmo to fill you in on the plot. Who is Rantasmo you may be asking? Other than being a guy with the most amazing name ever, and being downright adorable with his little chin beard, he host a web video series called Needs More Gay, which "dissects the highs and lows of gay pop culture with the precision of a dull machete." And his summery of Ben & Arthur is a tour de force (along the lines of MST3K). Spoilers are included, but hey, it the worst gay movie ever made.

The full film jump - because, after that, I know you are dieing to see it. Really you should be. Reason one is you will find out the Mildread is the super of Ben and Aurthur's building for some reason, and that Ben's brother gets way gayer as the film goes on. Also, part 1 is called bnaone with part 2 through 11 titled Ben & Arthur 2/11 to 11/11...

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