Friday, May 31, 2013

Electra Glide in Blue

Electra Glide in Blue is a great movie deserving more than its cult status. It is from 1973 and Stars Robert Blake. The title comes from the Harley Davidson's that traffic cops are issued motorcycle. It was directed by James William Guercio who produced albums for the band Chicago - who are also featured in the film and provide some of the music.

Blake plays John Wintergreen a cop patrolling the highways of Arizona's Monument Vally who gets a chance to become a detective after a murder and an Arizona detective takes him under his wing. Everything is going well until a run in with Jolene, a bar owner played by Jeannine Riley, and shit-hits-the-fan. The scene is really great - could be very cleche`d, but isn't at all. There is a motorcycle chase that isn't great, but other than that  - adding the cinematography by Conrad Hall - the movie is a hidden gem.

The trailer Is bellow followed by the feature after the jump. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Site Update

I finally have started updating my personal web site, Not much is up there yet with the exception of three furniture projects.

Dark Science

This documentary is a very sad one, but it ends on a fairly happy note - so push through. 

Dark Science is an Australian  a doc by  Frank Haines from 2008. It tells the story of Swedish explorer Erik Mjöberg's 1910 trip to Australia looking for the missing link between ape and man in the  Aboriginal people. He set out by first mocking the Aborigines' customs and then followed that by looting, grave-robbing and smuggling human remains back to Sweden